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By PoWWow

Moonlight tubbing

It was begrudgingly time to begin thinking about saying goodbye to our new, but amazing friend Emma whom we've only known for two months but had so many epic moments with it feels like I've known her for years! We first met over a gurgling baby called Bertie in our first week of grappling around with the job and pretending we knew what we were doing, when Emma was patiently nannying this gorgeous kid + making him giggle + snigger all day long- a real talent! We bought in supplies of gin and fake champagne [actually cheap cider, but it came in a champagne type bottle so that was good enough for us] + cookies to embark on a feasty fumbly farewell fun about evening in the chalet. It was one of those brilliant nights when time is lost and you wish there were many more hours existing in a waking day to fit every unfolding activity into. It's possible that the turbo joints we smoked in the bellowing hot tub beneath a perfect moon iridescently swallowed up a handsome slice of the midnight hours. The surrounding twinkling jingling snow illuminated beneath the ginormous spot light in the sky, like a meadow of navy precious diamonds bouncing a surreal unreal half-light onto our frozen hair that solidified in seconds to make mystical icicled dreadlocks + wizardry snow beards. And the surging gurgling hot bubbles beating against our backs enabled us to exist as creatures of the night beneath this great freezing sky, so that we could watch the stars and wonder about the world a little bit.

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