a w a y

By PoWWow

Smith, stacking it

Fuelled up on steaming pots of coffee + banana pancakes that we'd lapped up at the table drowning in stacks of new sunlight [where Emma said a sad thing "this is my last French breakfast"] we hit the slopes for the first time in days and instantly scooped up an elated Tom and a Dimi and a Simona. Storming it on the crusty cones, we made a bunch of movies. Watch one of them here : c l i c k !

The picture is a freeze frame of one of the other movies, shot from Dan's pea head helmet. Thankfully he managed to just about capture an almighty tumble from a plummeting PoWWow, which amused me somewhat, so I thought that should certainly deserve the pap of the day!

And as the day drew to a close, it soon became apparent that it was time to exchange good-lucks+good-byes to our good friend Emma who is embarking on a Mexican adventure, but beyond. I've made a plan that I will turn up in some remote town by the South Pacific on a rusty bicycle + a sleeping mat to find this awesomely inspiring woman once again, but for now it was a case of waving the beautiful yellow scarf she'd so kindly given to me in a final fond farewell out in the half cut main road of Argentiere. It had started snowing again and we watched them disappear into the darkness of the village, and felt a bit sad.

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