Life at 88mph

By neet

Day 10: Extreme Angle

Not the best picture, shutter speed was too slow so you get a blurry mouth, but it was too cute to not use. And I was on a chair so I hope that counts as an extreme angle.

First of all, apologies for the recent lack of comments but be assured I have been looking at every one of your journals every day, but I have been trying to concentrate on work and family without too much blip. I will try and catch up with you tonight/tomorrow (if I don't fall asleep the minute this is emailed in).

I have been crawling my way to half term, so the sense of relief today is immense. (I'm trying not to think about the list of things to do this half term in my diary). I seem to have lost my mojo recently, at work, at home, need something to lift me out of a rut. I am open to suggestions!

In other news, I am very excited about going to see the Muppet movie on Sunday. Also we haven't had any snow. None. At all. Bugger.

Catch up with you all soon!

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