Life at 88mph

By neet


Morning moseying around the city centre, bought a couple of Roald Dahl classics for Little Miss's bedtime enjoyment, and new bag to put my camera insert thingy into but most importantly 3 delicious Krispy Kremes. For anyone who has been toying with the idea of trying the heart shaped raspberry ones, DO IT! They are bloody delicious (I wish I never gave the second one to the Mr., I could easily put another one away).

The sun has been out all day but I have been welded to the sofa since lunch. It's been great. Here is some lichen on the tree outside our house. ALL 'I'M LICHEN IT' JOKES ARE BANNED. Let's see you come up with something else!

(I couldn't do celebrate for the challenge today, couldn't be arsed to think of anything. But tomorrow might just have to be a muppet macro......)

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