Ring of Tyres

By Tyres

So far, so good!

I've got two courgettes forming.

One in the without plastic and one in the 'with plastic'. Although the with plastic hasn't had the plastic on for a few weeks now as they were too big to keep under it.

The ones under the plastic are now 4 tyres high and the other just over 2. Whilst the ones under plastic romped away and are now a lot taller than the without I actually think the without are a better, sturdier plant. Both are producing fruit at the same time, it will be interesting to see what the differences are if they manage to ripen.

This is the one in the 'without' it looks good. The one in the with also looks good but a lot paler due to less light getting down to it.

With a bit of luck we'll be having courgette for tea at the weekend.

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