.....Happiness, happiness......

The Boss got home from work around 8.45 tonight.

She wenr straight upstairs and changed into her jeans and when she came down I presented her with the last of today's Krispy Kremes....an original...her favourite.

She set out the table ...as you can see.....with her essentials and faves....glasses....Radio Times...the doughnut...the Sky remote and a bottle of red and a glass. Quick as a flash out came the camera....sometimes inspiration just smacks you between the eyes.

She's as happy as a pig in muck just now....doughnut eaten ....wine poured and Law and Order UK on the magic picture box.

Last day of the half term today....school photographs with Year 11...assessment lesson with year 9...cover lesson for Dai who's in Siberia...lesson with year 11......late lunch...free period. Took a doughnut up to hebs in her room....a heart shaped confection...well her birthday is Feb 14th....not sure what the pupils made of it though. Meeting after work....just the one pint. Home....fed the cat....paid the milkman....again!.....baked potato with beans and cheese...now have that cosy, warm, tired feeling...and we're not going to the bait shop in the morning....no point every where is frozen...so I can have a lie in.....and no work for a week....does it get any better?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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