
Best viewed Sunslit large

Or *go large*

Ok, it's not a word. I made it up! I like it though! Glorious day today & I thought, it's now or never, I must get a February sunset for blip, it's a must! But as ever one huge annoying low cloud... always the way, when things are planned, settled, organised, time is put aside, always something to ruin it! But then... It was a waiting game & I'm happy with this shot, even though I had to crank the ISO to get the right sun colour, as it's so difficult to get the right brightness without being too over exposed & even after a decade of photography, I really am still learning! :)

And as for himself:

It's me!

I hope everyone is doing ok. Slowly & surely I'm catching up with you all. I've been in a strange mood the last month, shutting myself away, spending every waking daylight moment outside, when the weather allows me. After the last three months, I just can't seem to get back to normal, closing myself off from any human contact & immersing myself in nature (& Little Larry) has made a huge difference... & once Spring has sprung, there will be no stopping me, but hopefully, I'll be more open to share, comment, favourite... I'm rambling. I'll shut up now xxx

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