Just one

End of a long ass week...

Laziest morning in a while, thank the lord for Rachel's flavour matching abilities. This morning my tastebuds met its latest enemy friend - the bacon and cream cheese sandwich! And of course at Rach's house, copious amounts of tea! :-D ....sadly she had to go to work.

The rest of the day was spent with Toni who was waiting on the wine delivery for the wedding. We had to wait literally all day, so lots of Grey's Anatomy was caught up with.

We all then went to my mum's after dinner and finalised the wedding flowers. I stayed out of the way and made the tea. Love this wedding between these two brilliant people, but I actually just want the day to happen now...is that a bad thing, feel there is just so much build up, its knackering!

One drink on the way home, then out like a light. See ya laters mental week, here's to a better one!

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