Giving this a go...

By Debiives

Owl butterfly- Caligo memnon

Very tough choice for what to blip today. We went to Wisley to see the butterflies and I got a few decent shots in the boiling hot glasshouse. My favourite was actually one of two Blue Morpho butterflies but as I blipped one of them last year I thought I'd just share last year's one with you and show you something different.
It was certainly not boiling hot outside the glasshouse (it was -11.3C when we got up this morning!) and I also got some fun shots of the frozen pond and some ice. The boys spent ages playing with the huge bits of inch thick ice at the edge of the pond.

There's a few more photos from today here.

Cameron and I did parkrun this morning- it was very cold but very beautiful in the park with snow on the ground and the trees and the very frozen canal. I did the first lap with him and he took 16:30 (a minute slower than on NYD but it was a LOT colder and icy) which he was very chuffed with. I then did the second lap on my own in just over 13 mins. (Each lap is 2.5km, 1.5miles)

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