
Went up the Kirkgate in search of horticultural fleece for the allotment, as I was hoping to plant some shallots, (Mr H having informed me that he'd thrown out our stock of fleece recently due to ratty intrusions), but there was none to be had. Then realised I'd forgotten to pick up the keys for the allotment anyway. So went home and tried cleaning the oven with some sinister new gel that I got in Landfill Lakeland - it seemed to work really well on the oven but made me feel faintly peculiar so I abandoned it after doing the back wall, one side wall and the door. A rather wasted day on the whole - everything I attempted turned to pish. On the other hand, I could have gone across to Dunfermline and watched the football.

When DH returned from the fray we went out to our local Chinese restaurant for our tea. Excellent grub, as ever. This handsome dragon has been hanging from their roof beam for some considerable time, but his year has finally come round.

Happy Year of the Dragon, everyone!

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