
We made a journey out to a garden centre to get some fleece; there were lots of delightful small birds around the well stocked feeders that hang just outside the entrance. We went up to the allotment but didn't have much time left on the car (club car) so couldn't get into planting shallots. D re-stocked our bird feeder and Bob attempted to flutter down to my hand to pick up some seed. He sort of hovered about 6 inches away, but robins can't really do hovering very well. I realised afterwards that I was holding my hand out flat with some food on it but I should have stuck out my thumb and/or my little finger to give him something to perch on. Mind you, if he had landed I would probably have squeaked with excitement and given him a fright.

On our way back from the garden centre I saw the bridges looking rather nice so stopped for a pic. When I looked on the screen it turned out they were misty almost to the point of invisibility, so I turned up the contrast a tad.

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