Snippets of Life

By betho

Early Morning Train

Alright it wasn't all that early, about half 9 actually. I liked this train it was really light and airy (but not actually airy because that would have been cold). The second from Southampton wasn't so great and got delayed, it was meant to be an hour and 45 as it was!
I also had a very awkward moment when i got up to go to the loo, was told the loo wasn't working by the train man, turned round and looked at the luggage rack and my case was gone. Aah, what? My case is... gone.... uh..
So i panicked a little, got people looking at me (unitentionally) and then realised. I'd got on at the other end of the carriage. And yes, my case was down there. So i sat back down feeling silly and avoided looking at anyone till we made it to Brighton.

Abi came to get me and surprised me with a big red car (same as our big mean green machine only red) which i did not know she had. We headed home and had lunch before she had to go to lectures. I spent over an hour and a half having a nap which took me totally by surprise and so the 4 hours went pretty quick!

In the evening we sponatenously went to the worship central thing, which was pretty good and then ended up in a pub by a fire with some of her friends.

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