Ken ...

This is my real Dad called Ken, my parents seperated before I was born.

I didnt get to know Ken until I was eighteen years old, I lived with my Mum, Step Dad (who is like a real dad, the only Dad I knew), my brother and sisters.

I got to know my real Dad when I was eighteen, it was very strange when I first met him, I didnt seem to bother getting to know him to well as I was still young and didnt really know how to feel about the situation.

Ken contacted me a about a month ago (even though I still spoke to him in town etc, but didnt visit him very often), he wanted to see me. so I decided to go and visit him and have a chat.

It is really strange I know he is my real Dad, but I dont know him as a Dad if you get what I mean, I call him Ken, he calls me Babe or Princess. He is a bit of a character, he makes Eric and I laugh with some of the things he says.

I felt quite guilty at first speaking to him as I felt as if I was letting other people down by talking to him, but no one has made me feel this way or said anything, this is only my thoughts.

I went to see him this morning as his tumble dryer had broken so Eric took him to buy a new one, I managed to get this photograph of him, its the first photograph I have ever had or taken of him.

He doesnt like having his photograph taken, but he let me take one. I hope to get better ones of him soon. This was quickly taken in his back garden before he went to buy his new tumble dryer.

I think it will take time, but I am pleased that I am talking to him now, I get a little upset thinking how I didnt stay in touch with him or get to know him along time ago, but I cant change what has happened, I can only go forward.

Here is the same image in colour of Ken if you want to have a look.

Thankyou Ken

Love Tracey x

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