
My tulips are fading, as is my energy. Will is doing better, but Lily is still sick and calling after me "Momma, Momma" poor little thing. We had a long night and so did Paul as he was up most of the night at work on a fire. I hope we all get a better night sleep tonight.

Sam has his second evening of baseball tryouts tonight, he went with my Dad last night and Paul will take him tonight. My Dad said he did really well. They really are just looking to see where to put them, all kids get to play, but it's nice knowing that he did well. He came home with a smile on his face, not sure if it was from the ice cream cone they stopped for on the way home or baseball, I'm betting on the cone!

Never thought I'd take about 150 photos of a tulip atop a glittery gift bag! Oh the things we do for blips!

~Just got a call from Paul, sounds like they are "trying out" at age 9? Really? I don't like to complain as I know youth sports is a hard thing to fund and organize, but they raised the fees this year and are going to have only 4 teams for his age level. I better get more info before I go off on a complete tangent......!

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