More cooling towers

Oh dear, this is really getting boring. After a night in Milton Keynes (haud me back) I spent the morning in a meeting and then headed back home up the other (west coast) main line. Just south of Warrington I noticed these cooling towers; I hope this is just a pair of blips and not a series. I must say that I have viewed Warrington and its environs from the train many times and I have never felt the slightest temptation to get out and visit the town. And this is looking in the general direction of Runcorn. :-(

The trains back today (and indeed, yesterday) were all on time, but apart from yesterday's electrical deficiencies, all have been unusually crowded. All human forms of life were represented, with a possible surplus of small persons - that is, toddlers and babies with un-interested minders. The wee ones were just doing their thing, but the parents were mostly just interacting with mobile devices whilst the little 'uns wailed/shrieked and/or ran up and down the gangways. Only on the final leg of the journey, from Carlisle to Edinburgh, did I hear the sounds of an engaged toddler and a happy baby. It was a long journey but every time the little one squawked a parent would speak quietly to it, play pat-a-cake, blow raspberries at it, etc etc, until it would be chuckling happily again. It was only when we all started to move about in preparation for getting off in Edinburgh and I could hear them clearly that I realised that the family were not speaking English. Spanish, maybe - but an object lesson in engaged parenting, wherever they were from.

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