Family Dog

By Family_Dog

naughty mummy

I bought this hat when I was 8 weeks pregnant.

I wanted to buy something to believe it was really true. That I really was going to have a baby. I tried to resist though - I discovered that being pregnant turned me superstitious on all levels - and wanted to wait till at least my 12 week scan. When I would be told that it wasn't my imagination, there really was a baby in there and it was healthy and delighted to be there.

Anyway, I still wandered round all the baby clothes departments, and this hat caught my eye. I bought it and hid it for ages and took it out every now and then, staring at it in wonder - trying to picture the cheeks and the nose and the eyes that would fill it.

And here he is. In all his glory. And what does he think of this incredibly special hat?

"Get this bloody thing off me, Mummy!".

It will be great when it fits him.

Anyway. Arlo is off to his Granny's in Perth today. We are having a whole weekend without him. It feels a bit funny, packing up all his stuff and being more than a little bit excited about being without him.

This weekend, we're going to be Abi and Bryan. We're going to be festival darlings and we're going to sleep right through the night until morning with wild abandon!

And we will very much look forward to Sunday to see this wee face again.

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