Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer do.

I'm half crazy all for the love of you.

Kiwilizzie and I took a drive up the Matiri Valley on a blip hunt tonight but we were losing the light and there really didn't seem to be a blip anywhere, so we headed back to the Rock Snot Cafe for coffee instead. The cafe is only open through summer as it is an outdoors one. It does mean that it pays to put on insect repellant before getting out of the car because the sandflies can be voracious - but it's always lovely sitting and chatting and eating/drinking looking out on the native bush and the Buller River.

The flowers in their garden have done great duty as blips this year, and here they are starring again tonight. I took anumber of deliberately soft shots but in the end I like this stark one best. All the flowers are past their best now and everything is looking pretty droopy - though they might perk up once this promised rain arrives.

I wonder if the tiny bug on the disk florets (is that what they're called - it's a long time since School Certificate Science) is the one that ate the hole in the petal.

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