Tahi, Rua, Toru, Wha

Well not really. They are the Maori counting words and would be one, two, three, four in English. Seeing I've randomly selected these numbers they don't count in sequence.

Detail and colours best captured in large

Some of our middle school students have been working on these, off and on, over the past couple of years. Most of them have now been affixed outside our classrooms. A vast improvement on our old numbering system. I think they are beautiful and that the kids deserve real accolades for their achievement. Each of them is about 45 centimeteres across and they display maori patterns (kowhaiwhai) on their backgrounds, maori and english numbers and a stylised new zealand creature - mostly birds but not all.

They are all great, but I particularly like the No. 10 becuase that is my classroom and I get to look at it every time I go in.

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