Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

Watch the birdie

First day back after my sick leave today.
Less emails than I thought! 41 excessive for 2 days out of the office in my opinion.

The drive we save all our work on crashed whilst I was off for the 4th time in three weeks!!!!! IT sucks!!
Our IT team are fixing the problem but at present anything saved onto it after January 10th is gone!

Luckily I had one of my big docs in my email outbox so managed to save that, the other massive doc no such luck have a copy of draft 2 but as we are on draft 4 that was no good. As Li li was back in work last week and in our building she popped up to discuss the doc and I printed it out.

And as luck would have it she was in our building to day so brought the hard copy up for me! Will have to spend tomorrow editting draft 2 to look like draft 4! Long day for me tomorrow me thinks.

Blip today is of our lovely giant candle stick that was a wedding prezzie of my uni friend and all round crazy lady Liz and her wife Lisa. It's rather heavy but is sooo funky looking I love it.

Wonder what romance tomorrow will bring? Mr L are you listening????

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