Jack James

By JackJames

No metal objects

I walk past this lab 3 days a week, and the machinery inside is so complicated that it's hard to imagine that anyone knows what they're doing. The signs on the door point to some sort of magnetic research...

Lots of tutorial work and lectures and tutorials. Due to administrative irritations I've been moved to a tutorial group on Monday from the nice one I had been attending on Tuesdays. I'd been sticking my heels in on the move as the Tuesday group had the rare quality of people talking and engaging in intelligent argument, thinking that the chances of finding such a good group would be rare.

50 minutes of awkward silence confirmed my suspicions. The tutor was pretty useless as well, not great.

After a dinner put together of scraps from the fridge (cabbage, half a cornish pasty and cheese... I really must go shopping) I went to the pub to meet Duncan and Sophie before Dunc heads back to Bath for a few weeks, nice wee catch up.

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