
By Quayquilter

Millennium Hanging

I am helping a lady who lives in Faversham with her patchwork as she came mid course to our beginners' class. Our group Quayquilters is based in Faversham. To mark 2000 the group, mainly a core of 4 people, designed and made a hanging for the library. Library users contributed fabric. In fact Norma was the designer and it is brilliant - not the small fiddly needlework and crammed in images of many such projects but big and bold which can be seen from one end of the building to the other. It depicts scenes from Faversham's history in a lively ebullient manner typical of Norma's work. I spent 1999 to 200 in Kuala Lumpur so played virtually no part in this project apart from handquilting a cherry or two on the border. Faversham is surrounded by orchards. In the reference library hangs a more "patchworky" hanging. I don't know if this is the group's work or not.
For close ups see my blog for today

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