People in my life # 7

Two for the price of one today.

My two favourite girls. Bananablip and Happyframe (AKA Mrs DD)

Mrs DD is the love of my life and has been since the day we met, a long time ago. She has stood by me through thick and thin through the years and I can honestly say I love her more now that the day we married.

Bananablip is our wonderful daughter. We are so proud of her and all that she is and does and for her unfailing faith in God.

We have been blessed with two amazing children, a wonderful daughter in law and a very special little grandson. We are grateful every day for them.

The occasion. We were at Birmingham airport seeing Banana off for her next trip to Zambia. Mixed feelings. Excitement and a little sadness.

But of course, lots of love!

Oh BTW. Happy Valentine's day.

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