in search of sunrise......................

(shot taken from private suite then we moved down into all that)

.......well what a night. my apologies for the dodgy shot but we'll come to that in a moment.

you see there i was on thursday night minding my own business when my mobile rang. it was a call from fellow blipper Bisk asking if i fancied going to listen to tiesto at the O2 arena. how could i refuse? especially since it was a free ticket into the company's private suite and i was chauffeur driven there and back! also the thought of all those pics was almost too much.
so we got to the arena both with our camera's ready to try our luck. worst case scenario we get caught and have to put leave them back with the driver. so we go into the VIP entrance and the real jobsworth says, NO! so we decide to try another route. we also spoke to another security chap on the way who says cameras are fine unless they look professional. in other words no slr's. these people are obviously blissfully unaware of the capability of some of today's point and clicks. just take the G9 for example. anyway of we toddle to another security gate and go in with the unwashed masses. this time i had a cunning plan. as my bag has a top and bottom section i carefully opened the top part and held it at such an angle that you couldn't really tell that it only went half the length of the bag. it was good enough to fool the dude who was looking at my bag and so 00McDawg had made it and was on his way. however, Bisk (or the jinx as i like to now call him) was busted for a second time and had to return to the car to leave his camera. now i know i should have stayed where i was and waited but i'm just too nice and decided i would go back with him and so had to dump my camera in case i wasn't lucky enough a third time.
this brings me to the crappy shot. you see in my effort to be nice i had to borrow bisk's iphone to take this shot. now i don't want to get bogged down with the "oh why oh why did i not just leave him to go back himself and keep my camera on me?" saga, as i spent enough time kicking myself when i got in this morning but more so as it was such a good night. the atmosphere, the tunes the women dressed like they were about to go dance round a pole. it was, and i hate to say this as there is probably a far cooler, trendy word to use, but it was banging. first time i have seen this dude live and would happily go again.

now i have waffled on long enough (although i still have so much to say about the night) but i won't bore you with anymore.

big thanks again to Bisk for the invite, not sure how i can make that one up but i'll think of something...........maybe!

hope all you blippers had a great night to....................

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