mmmmmm tasty.............

so after getting in at silly o'clock this morning i decided it would be a quiet blip day.
spent the day out with Mrs & baby McD and had a lovely lunch out and almost ended up staying here for the night.. unfortunately no rooms big enough for all of us and their sister hotel didn't allow kids to use the pool. ah well never mind. it was a spur of the moment thing anyway.

so the blip. well it all links back to this from Bisk. he dropped off a little present for me before last night's adventure. i tried to get bebec in on the act but she was having none of it. so you get me complete with salesman's sparkle.

they are quite good and they are calming me if only i could find a way to stop me lying on the couch and licking my............

p.s. modelling last night's purchase at testio, hence the dutch colours

p.p.s. also noticed that in the year ago today box i am also wearing some quality colours

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