Snippets of Life

By betho


Prac exam day. Spent all day flapping about, did a little bit of last minute revision, flapped, felt really weird. And finally it was time. I met Lucy and we walked in together and met another girl as theirs were at the same time.

And suddenly we were walking into the room, and i saw Bev and Emma... Neuro and MSK please give me MSK! but no, i got Bev and GBS.

It was pretty intense, they just ask you more and more questions until you have no idea what on earth they're asking about anymore and just stare blankly and mumble. 'Why does it spread from distal to proximal?' I have no idea. It just does. Maybe one day i'll read this back and know! Had dermatomes for my assessment which i think was ok and then for the treatment she said 'do something that strengthens his legs and can progress to work on balance. I had a huge blank and ended up trying to make up some kind of exercise and had him doing sit to stands.... but hopefully i passed!

I went straight to the hairdressers after, she spent an hour and a half over my hair and this was the result. It was pretty relaxing actually and she was one of the better hairdressers i've had.

Then it was time for Kama lounge with the housies and soon to be housie Rach. Huge tasty noodle/rice dishes for under £5 and cocktails 2 for £5 makes for a great evening. SO good to be free and relax and not have the exam hanging over me for the first time in a good couple of months!

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