Snippets of Life

By betho


First stop on my post exam 'tour of the world' : Bristol.

We went into town and had yummy Moroccan lunch in one of the cool little market cafe places. Then we found this shop and got sweets. Bon bons and refreshers! Good times!

We then went to some museum. It was about Bristol and was actually really fun, they had a whole bus! And lots of other things. We only went round one part of it though. After that we had coffee/hot chocolate and went to the cinema where i met Tom and watched Chronicle. Which isn't as weird as the spotify ad sounds but was fairly bizarre. I appreciated the film making more than the storyline.

In the evening we went to G's guys who he plays settlers with house (where the aforementioned Tom lives along with David Christie, who i've heard a lot about because he knows Renes, but hadn't met till now) and we played settlers and i didn't do too badly, considering i was playing against 4 experienced and competitive boys!!

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