Family Dog

By Family_Dog

dragon's den...

After a very hectic lunch and trip to the park with our pals Amber (35 weeks pregnant) and her wee kids Cassie & Corbyn (lovely, it was - really lovely), Arlo declared he wanted to live in a cave.

Fortunately, and unusually, he caught me in a 'yes, I can be bothered accommodating your many, varied, crazy demands' mood - rather than my usual 'Good God, who do you think I am, Boy? The BBC Special Effects Department?' kind of mood. So I raked about the house for some blankets and fairy lights and fashioned a 'cave' under the dining table in the livingroom.

He promptly stuck his dragon suit on, declared it a Dragon's Cave and spent the rest of the night in it - he had his tea in it, he had his supper in it. He convinced Bry to read his bed time story in it. He desperately tried to get us to agree to him sleeping in it, and frankly I was going to go for it till I remembered we actually had to spend the adult portion of the day sitting in the same room as the 'cave' whilst he'd be sleeping.

Still, realistically, for the small price of spending a bit of time with my children and scrabbling around for some accessories I've managed to create a whole new room in my house! I might just quickly get the flat on the market so we can sell it as a 3 bedroom flat, rather than the 2 it was until today. In fact, wait a minute - we're looking to move to a 3 bedroom place.

Result! I've just saved ourselves the hassle!

Oh - and as you can see, not only is Ida allowed in the 'cave' - she's not overly interested in it. Nothing impresses that chick - she's seen it all before...

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