Family Dog

By Family_Dog

dragon's den.... again...

The trouble with children (well, one of the MANY problems with children) is that if you give them something, or engage with them in any way, they want more. MORE. MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE. Damn me and my Dragon's Cave idea. Damn me. Damn me and my encouragement of my child's (already VERY) vivid imagination.

For some reason I thought he'd get up this morning, take one look at the somewhat pikey, grass stained shanty town (stroke Dragon's Cave) I'd created for him yesterday and become, well I don't know - realistic maybe? Disillusioned? Aware of his surroundings? Less imaginative? No. He couldn't wait to go into the cave - the telly didn't go on all morning (result!) and the day was, by all accounts, mainly spent under the table...

Fortunately, I hopped, skipped and jumped out the door to work today so it really didn't bother me too much that the livingroom looked like Occupy Edinburgh had built a new home in our livingroom. And I'm pretty certain Nana and Grandad enjoyed crawling around under the table in the name of grandparently fun in my absense (or not? I didn't get home before they had to leave).

When I finally got in from work the Family Dog were all hiding out under there, reading books, playing games and having a whale of a time. Even Ida - who'd been crawling in, doing dragon and lion roars at the boys and then crawling back out again (you can see her wee feet poking out of the door in the photo). I was expecting to have a bit of trouble from Arlo when I told him it would be coming down tonight but he was okay about it actually.

Although both he and Bry made me promise to put it back up tomorrow. Ooft. Boys.

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