Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Half term day 2

Happy Valentines Day all. :)
I sat in bed this morning thinking about how this day can often turn into a competition each year about who got showered in the most gifts. I'd just decided that any more fuss that a card and a cuddle would be too much for J and I when I came down stairs to find some beautiful roses. Felt like a right cow bag then because they are beautiful and I love them. I'm such a hypocrite.

Got a handmade card from E & M too. Lucky mummy. My blip is of M's card but they were both super.

Day 2 of half term. A few jobs in town in the morning and a play date at a friends house this afternoon. It was going ok until M got in a strop because no-one would share pens with her. She stormed off in a huff and broke one of the girls hand made creations and then denied it. I felt awful and I'm so disappointed in her. I could tell in her voice she wasnt telling the truth and she has since admitted it. The mum was really nice about it but it kinda made me feel crap for the rest of the day. They all started squabbling shortly after so we left with M still in tears. They are a lovely family so it's a shame the girls lost the plot today. I guess 2 women 6 daughters, a son and a dog is a lot for one house to take sometimes.

I was desperate for my run today. It usually helps me unwind and clear my head. The poor lady I run with has had one chest infection after another recently and today it started to make a return. We ended up walking a fair bit of it as she couldn't catch her breath so we both came home grumpy and frustrated. My wedding dress fitting is in a couple of weeks and I just want to get back to being healthy and fit before then so I don't end up with ill fitting dress. Hopefully we'll have more luck Thursday. Eek!

J made us a super fresh salad for dinner with ice cream and maltesers for dessert. Perfect.

After a bath I spent the evening on the phone to my grandma. She's feeling a bit down and hates the long winter. She's joined the committee for her housing company so she can meet new people. Hope she feels better soon. Love my grandma and need to make more time for her in my life.

Sorry for my moany post again tonight, I'm not sure what's up with me. Going to take my grumpy ass to bed. Night xx

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