Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Half term!

First day of half term today. This pic was taken on the carousel at 360 Play, our local indoor play centre. I tried getting a nice shot but they were all pretty much to this standard. Those places are madness, very loud and a bit terrifying to be honest. Little kiddies all over the shop. We usually come home with a new sick bug so we shall wait and see how fortunate we've been this time.

The reason for the play centre visit was my good friends' little girl, (mimi) 2nd birthday.

Came back before my 3rd bridesmaid came to try on her dress. Big Laura looked super cool and because she works in theatre daaaarling, she can get 'wardrobe' to make a couple of alterations for her so it fits like a glove. Cool eh? :) she's not called big Laura because she's large, she's actually of aveeafw height, very trim and one of the most beautiful people I know..., it's just so we can differentiate between her and little laura.

Kids were all overtired this evening after using their energy up so early in the day so there was a lot of crying and tantrums before bed. I decided they must be plotting to get me registered insane so they can take over the world.

Watched second half of 'ps I love you' and cried. Then watched the last part of a programme about social workers and cried again. Delightful evening ;-)

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