Here's lookin' at you

2years 117days

Katie seems to have really taken to the new bedroom. She's slept through every night since she went in. It is maybe that she's still catching up a little after the busyness of the move, but I'm hoping that its simply she loves her fab new mattress (I'd rather have hers than mine!) and room.

She woke up with mischievous head on this morning, I think. I had a bath and discovered she'd unpacked some of my things. Including a bag containing lots of treasures. Hair bands, bracelets, the like. And a teeny bottle of "fairy dust" someone had given me. She managed to break the seal, open it and was making "pretty shiny pictures" with the very fine sparkly glitter. I'd got the new jumper out of the "things to grow into" bag for her this morning, which made getting dressed very easy as she wanted the new pretty clothes.

There's some stuff going on with nursery at the moment, a lot of uncertainty for everyone, and its all pretty worrying. So when we got to nursery a lot of parents were gathered chatting in the grounds. It meant Katie got to have fun chasing with the big brother of one of her friends. She did really well going into her room, smiled at me, gave me a kiss and waved me off. She still refuses to let me put her coat or bag on her peg, but the staff seem to manage to put them away after the first trip outside, bless her.

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