Curls and Bows

2years 118 days

When I first had Katie, I vowed I wouldnt inflict huge bows, frilly skirts and all of that "hideous, tacky" stuff on my daughter. My daughter however is doing it for me it seems. And turning my views on their heads as a consequence. I saw this dress in the shop, with its frilly sleeves, its giant bow and its big skirt. I fell in love with it, because I knew she would. And she really did. She looks beautiful in it too. Funky but girly too, a perfect compromise, I think.

Nursery day today - in her beautiful dress. But if a girl has beautiful clothes, a girl should be allowed to wear her beautiful clothes!

I had to note today's nursery feedback. She stood at the window, grinning at me, waving to me as I walked down the drive. When I arrived, she was sat beside a young looking toddler in her room. They said that this little one was transitioning from the baby room. Katie had totally taken her under her wing, and spent the whole day mothering her. They said she sat singing to Libby, showing her toys, showing her where her nose, her arms were and Libby had really taken a shine to Katie. A proud mummy moment.

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