Copenhagen and Me.

By RtCph

Carlsberg on Ice

It's cold, as can be seen by the large chunks of ice that have been carved out of our local parks' pond. I'm guessing that it was for the hundreds of ducks that call this place home....even in this weather. The snowman looking blob is actually a fountain that someone must have forgotten to turn off - I always thought a frozen fountain would look more interesting. Then there are the empty nests in the one tree and behind that is an opposite view of the Carlsberg tower from last night.

I finally got off the final jpegs for print. I'm happy with the final four choices which we decided on today. I tweaked, sharpened and cropped the final cut today and they are now on the way to the printers. I am now really quite excited about seeing three 120cm x 100cm and one 100cm x 70cm Blips. They are the 2nd - 5th pics you can see here.

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