Just me..

By Sunnyclouds

As good as it gets!!

Corriander... Not exciting but I forgot to take photos today!!

I blew the hoover up The hoover died today, don't know how.... Possibly when I was hoovering and a pair of tights went up it.. Luckily I was quick enough to grab the other end then I spent a good 5 minutes playing tug of war with a sqealing, smoking hoover... Evie was clever enough to shout "TURN IT OFF" otherwise I would have been there for hours. Alas, it was too late and the motor had burnt out... Poor Dyson... 3rd one in 4 years... Stupid hoover.

Quiet home day: Tidying, cleaning, mopping, bleaching, antibac-ing, washing, hoovering, hoover shopping, more hoovering, more cleaning, cooking for Colin and his friends, wine open, relax.

Tonight will be spent reading whilst Colin watches the football... Rock n Roll ;)

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