An Everyday Rocket

By everydayrocket

A cure for what ails...

Fresh strawberry shortcake with homemade coulis and whipped cream from scratch. I'm not one to post food shots, per se, but there's a bit of a story. And honestly, doesn't it just look divine? NOM.

White knight prepared the above as a sort of "yes, you are sick, but that doesn't mean you can't enjoy dessert!" message. In some ways I suppose it was also an early Valentine's Day thing, in terms of romantic thoughtfulness (though that's not a 'holiday' we observe, by mutual decision). Not only was it as good as it looks, but I started getting over a nasty cold the very next day!

Universal cold/crude panacea discovered.

But the question remains, is the cure for what ails...strawberries?

...or love?

Either way, rocket's back to the everyday.

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