Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

do you really want to go through there?

.......................so my feeble attempt at the latest assignment. crappy weather today and mrs McD has been busy getting her tax form filled in. she has been behind a pile of receipts for most of the day..........ah the joys of being self employed. at least that has meant that i got baby McD to myself for most of the day.

also after blasting out thumping dance tunes for the last couple of days i went to the extremes to try and balance it out.
now despite the cheesey feel to this i like it and it did start a little journey down memory lane. so enjoy (and appreciate the connection in the title)

decided after that that maybe i had gone to far, so i managed to create a balance within myself again by taking a dose of this (turn it up LOUD!)

have a great week folks...............

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