Coffee Spoons

By MissMarj

The Queen's Hall

Originally built in 1823 as Hope Park Chapel, it was converted to its current role as a concert venue in 1979 and was formally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 6 July 1979.

What a cultural day I had! In the afternoon I went to see the new Muppet movie, which is absolutely splendid, and in the evening I went to the Edinburgh Gilbert and Sullivan Society Gala. This wasn't a full performance but excerpts from several of theirs shows. The first half was selections from a comic opera that was written by Gilbert but Alfred Cellier did the music. The opera is called The Mountebanks and I hope the G&S society do a full production sometime because the plot is delightfully ridiculous.

The second half was songs from The Savoy Operas, including some of my favourites from The Pirates of Penzance and The Mikado. I'm very much looking forward to Iolanthe in May.

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