Aperture on Life

By SheenaghMclaren

The perfect toy... a stone!

Meet Oscar. Give a little boy a pond and a stone and you have a game!
Of all the toys you can give a child, sometimes it's nature that provides the perfect gift.

My friend, her two children and I met up at RHS Wisley this morning. Yes, I'm afraid it was butterflies again. This time, half term, the place was heaving. Given it's due, this time there were far more butterflies to be seen but the crowds made it almost impossible to get a photograph and there was a feeling of urgency to get out of the hot house to let others in.

Oh dear, the restaurant let itself down badly again. I received a £4.25 sandwich filled with only the rind of the cheese, which I did complain about. Exchanged it for the only available sandwich left... Roast Beef and horseradish.. which contained something that looked like salt beef and had the consistency of tongue! I decided it better to leave it at that but the photographs, that tell the story better than I can, are wending their way to the RHS!

It was a lovely day though and we did enjoy it. The early spring flowers are starting to bloom and the garden is full of the scents of the Hamamelis and Daphnes and the varieties of Hellebores are quite spectacular. Despite the crowds at the entrance and in the hot houses, the gardens were quite tranquil and we did have a short walk up to the top of the gardens. It is worth a visit and maybe I expect too much.

I sent the link to my journal today to my father... Hey Dad, Hope you can find your way round. Love you lots. xxx

Tomorrow is another day!

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