Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Shadow of the past

Some things don't get thrown away, no matter how full on and determined the dejunking. The owner of this racket died, sadly, six years ago. The older it gets and the more the paint peels, the more poignant it becomes. Think The Girl Racer might have to become the custodian when she gets a home of her own; it's a mother and daughter thing. In the meantime we'll keep it safe.

I was given a long list today. Did very well; tidied garden, fixed curtains, put up picture frames, emptied bins, finished weatherproofing the garage, cleaned the sofa, put some new anti virus software on the PC, paid in cheques, sent birthday cards, had new keys cut, made supper, did some washing .... domestic god me.

Ironically we had blues skies and some sunshine today but despite having a whole day for it, didn't get 'round to blipping until late ... Might be more proactive tomorrow ...

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