All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Just chilling after swimming

Another hectic Mummy & Ethan day today.

First stop was the opticians to pick up my new glasses.

Then over to the swimming pool for Ethan's lesson. We were there quite early so spent ages splashing around between the big pool and the toddler play section. Ethan was having a ball, but unfortunately tends to ignore me when I tell him not to run. And today he found out why - slipped over, whacking his head on the tiles. He was hysterical and took me ages to calm him down. Two of the lifeguards came rushing over to offer assistance but fortunately he was fine - just rather shocked and clearly had a bit of a sore head. I still took him into his lesson though, keeping my fingers crossed he wouldn't bawl his way through it. But he was fine - just clingy as usual!

He was knackered though. Usually he plays in the changing cubicle while I get dressed but today I ended up putting him on the change table (which I never use these days) and he looked at one point like he was going to fall asleep on there. It's a long time since he last did that!

We then walked over to The Centre again. I had to use the new stroller we've bought for our holidays as hubbie had gone to work with the iCandy in the boot of his car. It was a good test today to see how Ethan got on with it as it doesn't look as comfy as our other one. But he fell asleep really quickly and slept for an hour and a half while I walked round the shops.

When we got back home, Granny & Grandpa had arrived. They watched Ethan while I went to the dentist for a scale and polish. I think he had more fun than I did!

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