And some you win some you know you will lose

When I picked up the number one son from the child minder, the signs were not fantastic. You know when a child gets to the point when they no longer think they need a nap in the afternoon, well that is the current situation will the wee man. So he was grumpy, out of sorts, hungry and wanting his mother. Unfortunately for him, and the rest of us, she has gone to London with our eldest to visit a friend/eldest's Godmother.

So I am flying the flag bravely at home. Unfortunately, the number one son was having none of it. No dinner, no yoghurt, no in fact all I want to do is sleep, so he fell asleep in my arms.

It was a laugh a minute when I woke him to change him and put him in the pjs.

Quiet night though with #2 and a potential plan for a trip to the beach tomorrow.

oh and he was not for a photo

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