Keeping them entertained is the best you can do

A less early start than I guessed but one which went well. Still no Madame as she is lording it down in London town and I was expecting the worst, but it was ok once we finally managed to have some breakfast.

Today was a day off, naturally, I didn't fancy leaving the kids to their own devices and wanted the day anyway. We managed to get quite a lot done, considering. Swingpark, a washing done, (oh Madame will be happy! until she sees what colours I mixed at 60°) a picnic made and at the beach all before midday.

Another quiet evening in, watching a film with child #2, good choice Horton Hears a Hoo, not a dry eye in the house and now as all are in bed, a trip to the land of Haneke, oh boy. There are comedies on tonight, I understand ...

This one is, if one can dedicate a photo, is for Onthewire, you do these so much better than I

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