
By Nigel

AT-RT Walker

Or is it RT-AT Walker, can't remember. Anyway, lego building is back as the past few weeks of utter horror are hopefully coming to an end and I can drag myself out of my hole of abject misery and get on with my life.

I have an awful lot of catching up to do, about two weeks worth of pictures and diary entries that need blipping up as I have found myself sitting in front of the computer after uploading pictures and all I can think of to write is a torrent of vitriol that woud not make particularly good reading in years to come, and I still have most of it captured on paper anyway.

So the day itself was very good despite working on IE6 stuff for most of the day, nested tables with explicit widths to create a visualisation that would be a piece of cake on a modern browser but those pubic sector guys still seem to have to hold to the old Microsoft Beast as long as they can. At lunch I was reading a lot aout the current trend of lazy or uneducated developers that are bringing the world to the brink of new 'browser war' and shuddered with horror that I may find myself in ten years time whining about having to write code to support 10 year old versions of Chrome once the proprietary features are dropped but some public sector donkey has written a whole swathe of applications that require a specific vendor prefix to function. I wonder how many other industries have this kind of problem, do tyre manufacturers and road surfacers have to get together and agree on a standard over a period of 10 years? I have never seen a road sign that points to a road with the caveat that 'This road is best driven on Michelin and Good Year Tyres, please upgrade your car now to experience the full benefits'.

Don't get me wrong, I love all the new stuff but when Mozilla, Opera and even Microsoft all write browsers that support a given feature it is very remiss of a developer to only use the one prefix, and they should hang themselves their heads in shame.

I also watched some more Alcatraz and American Horror Story this evening. Both are rather decent stories even if Alcatraz is badly implemented but they pass the time inoffensively.

Whilst building the lego I was listening to the soundtrck from the game 'Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It's rather good and it's by Michael McCann who apparently is quite a renown game composer, I must check more of it out.

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