Learning day by day

By EmmaF


one snowman. This is what remains of him, although even yesterday there was a very small pile of snow between the arms.

Will has rallied today, at least from a temperature point of view. Still tired and crying at the slightest thing. I decided to continue with the day as planned. Kids to creche, but as my throat is still not playing ball, I went to Sainsbury's instead of the gym. Boo! It will be two weeks on Sunday since I exercised and now I am getting very fed up.

After creche I took them both into the pool. Never taken both swimming at the same time, partly because Carys loves the shower and Will screams blue murder if you go near the shower and partly because neither can stand in the pool, so a ratio of 1:2 becomes an interesting exercise. I needn't have worried on either account. C was very sensible in the pool whilst enjoying her swim and practising her strokes she didn't go more than 10m from me. Will played on the woggle for a while, then found a watering can and played on the side quite happily. I didn't push him to swim considering the last two days. One positive is that W came off the woggle by accident and went under a couple of times before I hooked him out. Usually that would mean tears and a swift exit but...no tears, just a reproachful look, a cuddle on the side and then he got back in. Progress indeed.

Shower time, well anything C does W does too. So we all managed to shower today which again is progress. I plan to take W to another swim class in another pool on Monday just to see if we can sort out the submerging issue another way. We will see.

Afternoon of playing and scooting, hopefully meaning a good nights sleep tonight. Last night C ended up in the big bed and I was in the boy's bed (with the boy). Think I got more sleep with my bed companion than Jim did with his. W is used to having company at night and sleeps in quite a compact manner, C however turns into an octopus that revolves in the bed.

Big girl's day tomorrow.Looking forward to it.

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