Textures #3

Day off today! :)

Yesterday I had my glass of wine, by the way. Now, because the bottle has been opened, I'll have to drink the rest of it or it will go off. So, another wee glass of red with my dinner tonight! Need to celebrate that I managed to drag myself out of the flat to go to the gym!

So, yes, I woke up late this morning, had a relaxing breakfast while I was catching up with your blips, did some cleaning, watered the plants, went for a wee walk along the harbour (that's where I took the picture!) and then I went to the gym. Nice and relaxing day and now I'm feeling all energised and ready for a busy weekend at work!

I had this calendar I made with some of the pictures I've taken to give it as a gift to my family. I don't have photoshop, so a friend of mine helped me put the calendar together and, as he has a huge printer at home, he printed it for me as well. The only thing left was the binding. My neighbours downstairs have a printing shop and they do this sort of thing but, if you've been following my journal for a while, you may know that I'm not in really good terms with my neighbours downstairs following their lack of cooperation in "the shower saga" (problems with a leak). The other option was finding another shop somewhere else. As I don't have much time, I had to swallow my pride and go downstairs to get it done. Obviously my neighbour asked me how my shower was getting on with a big smug smile on his face. I just said "fine"!

Not much more happening. Working at the weekend, so having a quiet night at home.

Thanks very much for your nice comments! I hope you all have a great weekend! :)

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