The Dances of the Old 2012

In the image: Eetu & Anna

The 2nd-year students had their big ball today. By now, they are the oldest students in our high school, because we, the abiturients, now start enjoying our study vacation until the baccalaureate exams continue in March.

These were the first Dances of the Old I've been able to see from up the balcony, since I danced twice, and therefore had no chance to watch the dances on my 1st year. However, though I'm a bloody abiturient and have been "kicked out" from school yesterday, I came back to record the 2nd-yearers having fun - and to ask for some extra English exercises.

Anyroad, I'm feeling a bit wistful right now. There were some repugnant times during high school, but I must admit that there were still more memorable days than those crappy ones. However, I loved many things about my school, and yesterday was just a wonderful ending for regular schoolwork.

I think that I will, after all, return many times.

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