
Today was the day when the 3rd-graders left the school. The day is called "Penkkaripäivä", shortly "Penkkarit", and it is the last proper school day of the 3rd-graders. The 3rd-graders' theme this year was horror, so they had decorated the school with blackness, spiders, shackles and stuff, and they themselves, of course, were dressed in fancy clothes following their theme. The image on the right is about my friend who had dressed in a witch suit.

Every year the other students form a nice alley for our headmistress and, as always and this time too, the 3rd-graders had arranged a special ride for her only; this time she came to school in a motorbike with a sidecar, as you can see in the upper left image. I'm pretty sure she enjoyed the ride although it was -25 Celsius!

So, the 3rd-graders' had some program for the other school, and I got a fancy "title" from them, but let's not talk about it. The tradition is that they "terrorize" the school's central radio, throw candy everywhere and shout "TJ-0, TJ-0", which shortly means "no more work left for us in here". They also make funny posters of other stundents and teachers.

And then they leave, as we, the 2nd-graders, "kick them out" by carrying them with a sofa into a truck that drives back and forth the town while they throw more candy everywhere. The leaving is happening in the image in the middle. The lower left image is about our headmistress waving for the 3rd-graders as the truck is about to leave the school yard.

Now the 2nd-graders are the oldest students in the school, and to celebrate that, there'll be the Dances of the Old 2011 tomorrow! :)

Ps. My little packet arrived today! I ordered a Sigma 70-300mm F/4-5.6 DG MACRO and this time I got what I wanted! Last September I tried to order a Tamron AF 70-300mm F/4-5,6 Di LD MACRO 1:2, but the postal services ruined everything. This time everything went well and I'll be able to improve my photography skills soon! :)

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