
By Snaptilyoupop

Glenda Gibbons

I love Glenda Gibbons. She appeared in Mum's birthday movie as her 'former school friend' who told nice stories before the interviewer realised that she was talking about the wrong girl- she hadn't taken into account Mum's maiden name and was therefore talking about someone else... We wanted to bring her back for Dad's movie. But how?

"Malcolm Rooney and I were childhood sweethearts in the 1970s. He was always sooking and blawing on that mouth organ of his and it really made for sensational smooches! He was particularly good at kissing and he gave such fantastic cuddles which was surprising given that he only had one arm.. What's that..? Two arms? Two arms! I've never even heard of a Malcolm Rooney with two arms! He only had a single lever, that's why we called him the one-armed bandit.."

Change of plans this weekend as we're running out of time to film Dad's movie so I drove up to Kirrie last night with my camera and bag of wigs to meet Stew and shoot some nonsense.

Looking forward to taking the dogs on a couple of walks in woods today which makes a nice change. I like living by the sea but really miss a good wood walk. Apart from the fact that there's less likelihood of a dog munching on a dead seal I do like trampling on sticks and have a particular liking for lichen.

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