This is what's occurring at the bottom of my garden. Over the fence are allotments and someone is having a good old tidy up today and has made a bonfire. It is exceptionally smoky and smelly. No chance of putting any washing out although it seems like " a good drying day". The smell has even permeated into the house. Can't blame them for burning their garden rubbish as its the best way for them to get rid of it but it is a bit annoying.
From the Council website:~
" It is a common misconception that there are specific byelaws prohibiting garden bonfires or specifying times when they can be lit - there aren't! Occasionally a bonfire is the best practicable way to dispose of wood or waste that cannot be composted and occasional burning of such waste does not cause a problem.
However, the fire must not cause a statutory nuisance to a neighbouring property. This means that if it occurs frequently and interferes with the normal use and enjoyment of a neighbours' property it could cause a statutory nuisance "
As the bonfires occur very infrequently there is no reason to complain - just put up with them now and again. Live and let live.
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