Pride .... and then a fall!

At short notice, I found myself with some unexpected time on my own. I didn't want to get the ironing board out, or walk around the shops. What I really needed was a little fresh air.

Although I do spend time on my own during the week, to go off walking alone is something that I very rarely do. It felt strange to see the parents and children out on half term days out to Lyme Park, while I was on my own.

I was just beginning to enjoy my 'alone time' when I came to this ladder. I crossed, then stopped to enjoy the views. The moment I put my foot down to move on, my ankle went over and I fell over quite heavily onto my back!

My rucksack took the brunt of the fall, so the major damage was to my sandwiches, banana and my pride (even though there was no-one around to witness my tumble). The peaty soil was waterlogged which meant that the seat of my jeans, etc was too. Wish I'd worn a longer coat!

It's funny how we take a tumble very easily as children, but as an adult, a fall really shakes you up.

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